Senin, 15 Maret 2010

zzzttt. . .

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Too young to be married: good or bad?

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
In this occasion I would like to speak about "too young to be married: good or bad? As you see, there are many forum of discussion about young marriage with many pro and contra argument from many resources.
To begin with, let me say that on one hand they are pro with it, because they have some argument, that is:
• From the western scientist research, a couple who had young married will be happy better than old married. Because our positive emotional still in great quantities so we can endure our marriage.
• Because of our adolescent imitate the western culture, some people afraid if they will make some mistake like sexual outside before marriage.
• Fulfill their biological necessary, with rightful.
• Decrease spreading sex disease.
• Decrease the abortion rate in the adolescent circle.

On the other hand, young married may cause many negative effects:
• The young married are not too good. Many problem causes when the early pregnancy. The baby will be born premature.
• Because of marriage not only love, but also the steady of financial.
• Increase the die rate of women cause young married are not enough age to pregnant.
• Increase the divorce rate.

So far, young married have become a dilemma for countries. On one hand, it can bring good effect but on the other hand it brings terrible consequence.

Look Ahead

this the video about young married. enjoy it ....

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Mount Eruption

Mount eruption are the mountain’s activity when the material come out from the earth. There are solid, liquid and gas material. Eruption will occur at the active mountain carry out volcanic activity. The volcanic activity can spray hot cloud, spraying fire and etc. Meanwhile if they do not show that activity, they are called ‘Gunung mati.’
The eruption occur when magma come out from the earth. Magma is blended of rock, the other mineral and very hot fluid.
Gas material is arranged by carbon dioxide, sulfur and charcoal acid. Liquid material secrete of lava. Lava is grit of volcanic and involved water. Volcano also explode solid material, there are bomb (big lump rock), lapili (little rocks or gravel) and dust of volcanic.
The eruption can occur anytime. There is some effort to face mount eruption:
o Avoid danger area, such as lope, valley and lava current territory.
o Built some bunkers.
o Wear secure clothes, and do not wear contact lens.
o Use masker.
o Determine safe area to flee.
o Observe the activity’s volcano. That can be preventive anticipation.
In general, eruption is one of disaster. The materials of eruption can damage for all, especially for human. But in the other hand, dust, lava and mud from the eruption are benefit, because they can make the land become more fertile.

Here is a video you can watch and enjoy

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009


1. Someone washes his car for him everyday (have).
He has his car washed everyday.
2. Somebody did not serve the soup for her last night (get).
She didn't get the soup served last night.
3. Tell your friend to throw it into the dustbin (have)
Have it thrown into the dustbin.
4. The house needs renovating (have). You must ___________
You must have it renovated.
5. My father bought us the piano from the music store (get).
We get the piano bought from the music store.
6. The teacher asked him to write the e-mail last night (let).
The teacher let him write the e-mail last night.
7. His mother forces him to wash the dishes quickly (make).
His mother makes him wash the dishes quickly.
8. Hada asks her brother to do the housework (have).
Hada has her brother do the housework.
9. Dwi Ratna taught us to play badminton two days ago (help).
Dwi Ratna helped us play badminton two days ago.
10. My pair of shoes want polishing (get), You must ______________
You must get it polished.


1. She wishes Agung finished the test in time. It mean ……………………..
- Agung doesn’t finish the test in time.
2. Erika tells me as though she were the car owner. This mean ………………….
- She is not the car owner.
3. Untung knows the problems. If only ……………………..
- If only untung didn’t know the problems.
4. The headmaster woulh rather we (… come .. ) to school earlier everyday.
- The headmaster woulh rather we came to school earlier everyday.
5. If only they were clever . They would pass the test easily . The fact is ………………
- The fact is they aren’t clever.
6. They’d rather you (do) your housework right now.
- They’d rather you did your housework right now.
7. The students wish they (pass) the final test in the coming UAN .
- The students wish they passed the final test in the coming UAN.
8. Ira feels as if the building (fall) down to the ground .
- Ira feels as if the building fell down to the ground.
9. Jevin acts as though he (see) the film with his friend .
- Jevin acts as though he saw the film with his friend.
10. If I had been smarter than 5th grader . I (win) the gold medal .
- If I had been smarter than 5th grader . I would have won the gold medal.


1. Fauzan said he was going to Jakarta the next day . He told her “ ………………………
- He told her “ I am going to Jakarta tomorrow .
2. “ Have you done your homework ?” She asks him ………………………………….
- She asks him if he had done his homework.
3. “How can you mend my broken heart ?”. He asked her …………………..
- He asked her how she could mend his broken heart.
4. “Where we you go next week ?” My friend wondered ………………..
- My friend wondered where I would go the week after.
5. “Don’t forget to send me your URL !” The teacher told us ………………
- The teacher told us not to forget to send ger our URL.


1. Good news good news he cried
- “Good news, good news!” he cried.

2. Why what is that said the man smiling
- “Why, what is that ?” said the man smiling.
3. Hey where are you going so soon he continued
- “Hey, where are you going so soon?” he continued.
4. Very well said the lover I will eat the fish with you
- “Very well “ said the lover “ I will eat the fish with you.
5. Oh I am tired can’t you go to the river by yourself asked his friend
- “Oh, I am tired . Can’t you go to the river by yourself ?” asked his friend.

Find The Crown

Once upon a time, in the deep down of Pacific Ocean in in the city of Bikini Battom lives a square yellow sponge named SpongeBob. He lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary. SpongeBob loves his job as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krab’s restaurant. At the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob have a partner a cashier named Squidward, who thinks he’s better than everyone else and like playing clarinet. SpongeBob also have neighbor and best friend, his named is Patrick a starfish.
One day, when Plankton owner of Chum Bucket restaurant, who Krab’s rival was down implement until “plan y” to struggle “secret recipe of Krabby Patty” in the Krusty Krab, and the end he implement “plan z”. The plan to struggle recipe with steal King Neptune’s crown. But he was sly, he point the finger of blame at Krabs via a hand written note.
And than King Neptune become angry. He go to Krusty Krab and assault Krab. Know the problem, SongeBob require to King Neptune to help his boss to look for the crown. He promise Neptune to retrieve the crown is an originally give ten days. In argue with Patrick, the day contrary down to six days. For good measure Neptune freezes Krabs with his trident. SpongeBob and Patrick head off for their adventure.
Now Plankton can steal the Kraby Patty formula with easy. He was very happy because he was rich and could control Krusty Krabs restaurant.
And then, in the shell city, SpongeBob and Patrick work hard to find the crown. Work hard… and work hard. At the end, they find the crown. They take the crown out to the beach.
Afterward, they back to Bikini Battom and came to Krusty Krab. Not long afterwards King Neptune arrives. He was very happy, because SpongeBob and Patrick can find his crown and Mr. Krabs was unfreezes.
But Plankton felt so sad. Because he is arrested and then being sent to the institution of the Criminally Tiny.
Mr. Krabs was very happy, because SpongeBob safe his life and the Krabby Patty formula back. So he gives the title of general manager of the Krusty Krab 2 to SpongeBob. He is very happy. He felt that day is the greatest day of SpongeBob life. And all felt happy.

Created by,
Ayuning Tyas W.
XII IPA 3 (06)

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009


Good morning guys!! Have you ever heard about reproduction system of human ? what are the genital organ of men and women ? how about the process? Well, I will tell you explanation the reproduction system.

Reproduction system or genital system is organ whiting an organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction.

Do you know the most important organ in the reproduction system ? Ok, man and women have significant differencess about the organs of reproduction system. Part of men’s genital organs are penis, testis that productions sperm, uretra, prostat gland that production nitrient for sperm and seminalis gland. Women’s genital organ devided by internal organs and eksternal organs. The internal organs consist of vagina, cerviks, uterus, tuba falopii, and ovarium that production ovum. The eksternal organs consist of labia minora, lania mayora, klitoris, and vulva mounth as cavity to contact uterus with the eksternal body.

Well, I will tell you about human reproduction system. Reproduction system takes place as internal fertilization by sexual intercourse. The sperm and ovum meet in the tuba falopii. When erect penis of the male is inserted into the femele’s vagina, penis will ejaculation. It will out millions of sperm and its come into uterus cavity. In fertil perode if women do sexual activity with man, maybe ovum that liberated free can meet with sperm. The trevels through the vagina and cervix into the uterus and fertilization will occurs. The produce of it is zygot. Zygot will adhere in the uterus wall andthen will davelop to be a candidate of baby for approximately nine months and tendays. The process is pregnancy in humans. Gesration ands with birth, the process of birth is know as labor.

Labor consists of muscles of the uterus contracting. The cervic dilating, and the baby passing out the vagina.

Do you understand guys? To get more information about the reproduction system you can going to library or ask your biology teacher. Thanks for your attention. Good bye......

Rabu, 18 November 2009


Guys, do a little research with me! Put the palm of your hand on your chest. Do you feel something beating? Yes. It is your heart. We have known that heart pumps to produce fresh blood for all body tissues. However, do you known how heart pumps blood and circulate it to all body tissues?.

As we talk, thye heart ejects oxygen rich blood under high pressure out of the heart’s main pumping chamber, the left ventricle through the largest artery. The aorta. Smaller arteries branch off from the aorta, leading to various parts of the body. These smaller arteries in turn branch out into even smaller arteries, caled arterioles. Capillaries have extremely thin walls that permit dissolved oxygen and nutrients from the blood to diffuse across to a fluid, known as interstitial fluid that fills the gaps berween the cells of tissues or organs. The dissolved oxygen and nutrients then enter the cells from the interstitial fluid by diffusion across the cell membranes. In this way, the blood delivers nutrients and removes wastes without leaving the capillary tube. After delivering oxygen to tissues, the deoxygenated blood in capillaries then starts the return trip to the heart.


Ayo teman, lakukan penelitian kecil denganku! Letakkan tanganmu di dadamu, apakah kamu merasakan sesuatu yang berdetak? Ya, itu adalah jantungmu, kita sudah tahu bahwa jantung memompa untuk menghasilkan darah segar untuk seluruh jaringan tubuh. Tetapi apakah kamu tahu bagaimana jantung memompa darah dan mengedarkannya ke seluruh tubuh?. Seperti yang kita bicarakan, jantung menyemprotkan darah yang kaya oksigen dengan tekanan tinggi dari ruang bilik yang menuju jantung, serambi kiri terus ke pembuluh nadi terbesar yaitu aorta. Pembuluh nadi terkecil bercabang dari aorta, menuju ke segala bagian tubuh. Pembuluh nadi terkecil ini bercabang menuju pembuluh nadi yang lebih kecil yang disebut arteri. Pembuluh capiler mempunyai dinding yang sangat tipis yang memungkinkan oksigen dan nutrisi yang larut dari darah berdifusi menyeberang cairan sela yang mengisi celah diantara sel-sel jaringan atau organ.oksigen dan nutrisi yang larut memasuki sel lewat membran sel. Dengan jalan ini, darah mengantarkan nutrisi dan zat sisa tanpa meninggalkan pembuluh kapiler. Setelah mengantar oksigen keseluruh tubuh, jaringan darah dalam pipa capiler yang tidak mengandung oksigen kemudian kembali berjalan menuju ke hati.